Instructions for Using Our Washing Machines

Step by Step for a Perfect Wash in MASKELAVAR

At MASKELAVAR, we know that a simple and hassle-free laundry experience is what you are looking for. That is why we offer you a step-by-step guide so that you can use our machines without any problems.

Un icono de reloj en blanco y negro sobre un fondo blanco.

Step 1: Service Schedule

Our laundry is open every day from 9:00 to 22:00. Choose the time that best suits your routine.

Un icono de lavadora en blanco y negro sobre un fondo blanco.

Step 2: Choose the Washing Machine

We have 12kg and 15kg washing machines. Choose the one that best suits the amount of laundry you have.

Un dibujo lineal de una camiseta colgada en una percha.

Step 3: Load the Clothes

Always check the labels and load clothes into the drum without overloading it.

Un dibujo en blanco y negro de una camiseta y una pelota.

Step 4: Select the Washing Program

With four programs available (Very Hot, Hot, Warm, Cold), choose the one that best suits your washing needs.

Una mano sostiene una tarjeta de crédito frente a un cajero automático.

Step 5: Payment and Washing

Insert coins or pay with card and QR code. In just 30 minutes, your laundry will be ready.

Enjoy the washing process

Once you start your cycle, you can relax in our comfortable waiting area while your clothes are washed and dried.